Consulting service for people seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprint and become more environmentally friendly.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Happy Holidays!
Thanks for reading my blog, posts and pages...
Friday, December 9, 2011
Feds see the Fraking light!
After years of study, the Feds see the light! EPA links Fracking to tainted well water...
"The draft report, after a three-year study by the Environmental Protection Agency, represents a new scientific and political skirmish line over whether fracking, as it is more commonly known, poses a threat in the dozens of places around the nation where it is now being used to extract previously unreachable energy resources locked within rock."
This rocks! and the DEC has extended the deadline to comment on the sGEIS report into January! Take a moment to go through the process, please! After following this link, choose "Submit comments on the proposed 2011 rdSGEIS" and then select "General Comments"... Recommend that the whole thing be tossed out and Fraking just be banned completely in NY!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Green Charity...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
why not sign against Hydrofracking in NY?
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
NY can lead the way!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Who likes clean drinking water?
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Food Waste Unnecessary (in many cases)...
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Garden Prep for winter
Thursday, September 15, 2011
How much do you recycle?
Monday, August 22, 2011
There's A Green App for That...
The following is from

Are cell phones taking over our lives? Sometimes it seems like it. But you can wrangle back some control by keeping your phone use as green as possible. This week’s tips tell you how.
Tip #3: There's an app . . .
In addition to making your phone multitask, apps can help you live greener, whether you’re trying to save gas, commit to carpooling, garden more, or recycle anything. Apps can also help you find public transit, cancel paper subscriptions, even become an Eco Hero.
Tell us: What are your favorite green-living apps?
Friday, August 19, 2011
Interested in News about the Environment and Sustainability?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011
Not exactly "green," but cool...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Cut flowers are nice, but...
The following links will show some ideas for green gifts: Bonsai Kit,, or Giving Plants - there are many more that you could easily find with a quick web search. Depending on teh season, you could also go to your local Garden Nursery and get a professional opinion on what might be best for your intended recipient!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
See some why to "be green!"

Thursday, July 28, 2011
Re-blog: New Chicago Brewing Company confronts a brave new world of crafting beer

Monday, July 25, 2011
Backwards justice...
The growing of hemp has many benefits to the environment. Although the variety of hemp more commonly known as marijuana is not the same one used for production, its growth contributions are similar.
This, in part, relates to my previous post about growing things. I am not telling to go and grow some pot, but it still shows that no matter what you grow, you are contributing to the health of the environment.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Green thumb?
Even if you only have access to a window sill for growing space, that is enough. There are tips all over the internet about growing things in small places. If you are lucky enough to have a lot of space you can do great things. Even on rented properties, you can grow things that will not cost you a dime and can just be left there when you move. Many times people who already have large gardens are more than willing to give out a few clippings to others so a new garden can be started. Vegetables can be grown in pots, a huge tilled portion of the yard is not required.
I can help you decide what what is best suited for your space, big or smll and help you find what will grow best in that space. Then I can help you find those things at little or no cost to you. All that will be required on your part is a little manual labor to get it started. Green things growing in your home will also help improve your air quality so you can breathe easier!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Cheater post today - reblog
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Beam me up Scotty!

In addition to saving money on fuel costs, you can save money on parking costs when you work "downtown" where there is no free parking. You are also being green by driving less distance with just one person in the vehicle and transferring to the bus. I noted in another post about "the scary people" on the bus; in this case, you will often only find other working class persons. I do not mean to offend anyone who uses the bus for shelter occassionally, but it can be offensive to some when you have not showered in days.
Anyway, save a couple bucks on gasoline, save a couple bucks on parking and read the paper while you ride. Do some good for the environment at the same time!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
All free!

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Where in the world?

Today's post is not about a green tip at all; rather, where you go to look for your tips. I acknowledge that this is a technological age where the Internet mostly rules, but there is still a pen and paper (brick & mortar) world as well.
Where do you find the information that you deem most useful to you? Human contacts (networking), informational displays (Chamber of Commerce, businesses, etc.), the Internet, newspaper, television? There are so many sources of information that is can be difficult to discern where to best reach the people who can benefit the most. In a perfect world, presenting oneself in all possible locations would be ideal; that option is usually financially difficult.
I am very interested in some responses on this one as it will help me help you (and your neighbors. :)
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Compost stinks?

Step 2 - Pour a little wine or juice into the bottom of the bottle or jar (clear glass or plastic works best). Only 1/2 to 1" of liquid is needed.
Step 3 - Drop the cone into the top of the bottle or jar so the big end is up and out and the small end does not dip into the liquid.
Step 4 - Set the contraption where the fruit flies are.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Welcome to our "ool"...

This is essentially another post about water. Water is not an infinite resource. Contantly draining and refilling your pool not only costs you money, but it uses that finite resource somewhat needlessly. Large pools usually come equipped with filter systems and chemical additive instructions; smaller "kiddie pools" do not and worse yet, there are no instructions on the commercial pool chemicals for such a small volume of water.
It is still important to maintain it. You can save yourself the work of draining and refilling, maintain a healthier pool for the kids and be "green" at the same time. You can use common chemicals to keep your kiddie pool cleaner. Here is a link to a calculator so you can figure out how much stuff to add for how much water you have.
Having even a small pool in the yard is great for cooling off. If your pool is only big enough to get your feet into, that will still help. The human body has this awesom automatic feature of trying to maintain equal temperature for your whole body. That means the body wants your feet to be the same temperature as your chest. So even though the chest and the head have the "most important parts," your body will send some of the heat from there to your feet if they get cold. So, if you put your feet in cool water, it will cool you whole body a little bit. :)
Have a great summer!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Worms 'n dirt...

Friday, July 1, 2011
The dreaded bus!
I use the bus to get to school; I am kinda lucky in that the bus actually drops me right at the front door. A monthly bus pass costs me $30. At the current gasoline prices, I can only get half a tank for $30 and half a tank does not often last me a whole week, much less a month.
When I mentioned bicycle above, it was for a good reason. The bike is the best option for being environmentally friendly. A car burns fuel and makes you fat, a bike burns fat and helps save the environment! I do know that a bike is not always a feasible option though; it might be too far or take too much time out of your already busy schedule. Some bus companies have actually added bike racks to their bumpers so you can bike the short distance to the stop and to the office or school door and get the best of both worlds.
The bus may cause you some delays too, but the savings both cash and "green," can really make a difference if you can fit it into your schedule.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Laundry blues...

For all the details, I will refer you to someone who has already done all the math to show you the savings... Click the link below to visit (one of my favorite sites).
Wash Laundry in Cold Water by Colin Dunn on TreeHugger
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Longer showers!

Yes, longer showers. Many of us have heard about one method of saving water by taking shorter showers. This reduces total water use and also reduces energy used to heat the water.
However, if you install a newer eco-friendly showerhead, you may actually be able to take longer showers without using any more water than before. The older "eco"shower heads barely felt like a shower at all, more like a trickle of water. However, today's technology has provided us with showerheads which both reduce water consumption and still feel like a shower.
I am not trying to promote Wal-mart here, but I am providing a link to which almost anyone who reads this will have access to. The link below is just an example of one of the newer showerheads which can help you take a longer shower and still be environmentally friendly...
Monday, June 27, 2011
Car maintenance...
Keeping you car in tip-top shape will keep it efficient. Skipping oil changes and letting that "noise" go for long periods of time will not only speed up the rate that your auto degrades, but they also hurt the environment. If your car is not running efficiently, you may need to use more fuel to go the same distance. Fuel use is part of your carbon footprint.
Something as simple as ensuring your tires are at the correct PSI will improve the vehicle efficiency. Some gas stations still offer free air while others may charge up to $1 for a few minutes, but that is a small price for something so easy.
There is still some argument about whether you really need to perform or get an oil change every 3 months or 3,000 miles or if it can be longer, but the high end of recommended time is 5 months or 5,000 miles. That's still less than skipping an oil change.
Learning the basics about car maintenance are not really required if you can at least pay attention to your car. If it starts making a sound that it did not make before, there is usually a reason for it and often that reason is not a good sign.
So, keep up on the keeping up for making your car last longer and helping the environment!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Lights out...
A 60 watt bulb in a lamp uses 60 watts of electricity per hour. My utility company charges me about a dime per killowatt of electricity. That means that I would pay about $4.64 for that 60watt lamp if I left it on for a month. Calculations: 31 days X 24 hours X 60 watts = 44640 watts / 1000 (kw) X 0.1 (the dime) = $4.64. Now I know not many people would leave the lamp on for the whole month, but those figures are just to give youan idea of the costs.
Everything we plug into an outlet uses electricity and can be measured in watts. Lights are just one of the easiest things we can remember to turn off. Check out the things you are using, there is almost always a sticker somewhere on the device that will tell you how many watts it uses and that is always per hour. Try adding it up and see where else you can save!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Capturing "energy" in rainwater...
What does that mean for you? Well, I guess that depends on where you live. In some places useable water is scarcer than in others. No mater where you live though, you can still capture water. The easiest way is captuing rain water in a barrel. You can also draw water out of the ground with an inverted cone and catch basin. There are acutally numerous methods.
The rain barrel method is the easiest for me. In the north east United States, there is a fair amount of rain, but not as much as the north west US. This makes capturing rain water a feasible option for the short dry spells between rains.
Here are a couple resources on rain barrels from HGTV:
Step by Step Instructions
Description video on How-To
If those aren't enough info for you, please let me know and I will help you get it done!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Let me know how I can help my posts become more effective for you.
Power strips...
A simple solution is to use power strips that have their own on/off button. Plug your charging cords into one strip and turn off the strip when use take your computer, phone and MP3 player out for the day. Plug all the devices in your entertainment center into one strip and turn it off when everyone leaves for work and school. While you may only save a few watts of usage in a day, over the course of a year the savings can add up to a significant amount.
Power strips usually cost less than $10 and ones with surge protection may cost a little more. So, with the purchase of these few small extra devices and a small change in your routine, you can reduce your carbon footprint and your electricity bill!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It would be nice if "stuff" just did itself; of course, nothing gets done without doing it. The same as doing the dishes, laundry or dusting, if you don't practice "green" methods, they will not get done either. Luckily for us, most things that will help reduce carbon footprints and help the environment take waaay less time than the daily chores and are often far easier too.
A few simple things that come to mind: use cold water for all laundry loads, your laundry will still get clean and you use less fuel by not heating the water; compost your food waste, not only will you be creating the compost, you will be reducing landfill; and mow the lawn less, yes, less, a longer lawn will actually grow healthier and you use less fuel by mowing less frequently. I don't mean you should try growing a jungle where your lawn is now, but an extra inch or two can still have a manicured appearance (raise the wheels or the blades on the mower).
So, get to it and make life easier and better! :)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Growing a vegetable garden can be a lot of work or costly, but worth the effort. There is no store (except maybe a farmer's market) that comes close to the taste of vegetables that you grow yourself. I think part of it is knowing you put in teh effort to produce whatever green you are eating, but freshness is the biggest part of it. Picking something out of the soil, off the vine or from the stalk and serving it immediately just makes it taste better. Live in the city? Don't think you can do a garden? Just google "urban gardening" and be awed at the results...
Monday, June 20, 2011
Single Stream Recycling.
At the processing facility a combination of human efforts and mechanical seperators are used to ensure that everything is sent to the proper collection pile. Paper, cardboard, tin/steel, aluminum, clear plastics, colored plastics, clear glass and colored glass all go different directions. I know many people believe that if the recyclables go into one truck they must just go to the dump. Well, I have seen the facility my town uses and it really does work. I am not sure if it is really cost effective(yet), but it is good none-the-less.
So, when you feed the cat or make the chili or eat the last donut, toss the container in the recycling bin, not the garbage. It will reduce landfill usage and new materials required for future containers.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
I use the craigslist free section religiously when I have the time to spend on it and I can often come up with some pretty good stuffs. I recently picked up a 2500 gallon pool which I only had to spend about $75 in parts to make functional. I also found a really nice antique china cabinet which now graces our kitchen. Today, I went to get a very nice heavy duty wooden "jungle gym," all I had to do was dismantle it to get it. Similar ones sell for around $1000 so I thought I was gonna get a good deal. Thought being the key word.
I got about half of it apart with out too much difficulty, but the other half was a bear and essentially soured the deal. That's where the lemons come in. The guy had built it himself and he built it to last. Each joint was connected with a 3/8"x4" bolt, but that was not enough. Each joint also had the added connection strength of a few nails. Not just any nails, but those nice corkscrew type that are supposed to prevent loosening when the structure is wiggled. the nails were also put in on each side of each joint and each at a different angle versus just straight in (all parallel to each other). Good deal for him; it served his kids well for almost 10 years.
What he got today was some free demolition. Attempting to get those joints apart pretty much destroyed the wood. So, now I have a whole bunch of lumber which is full of corkscrew nails and cannot be turned back into a nice heavy duty "jungle gym" for the kids.
I thought about just taking it all to the dump, but I would have to pay for that and then the purpose of using craigslist free section is totally defeated. I would essentially have had to pay for giving someone else five hours of manual labor.
So, I make lemonade. I will get the rest of the nails out at a leisurely pace and then use the lumber to build something else. Maybe I will make the shed I was looking for so I can get all teh garden tools off the back porch.
Why is this post here? "Reduce, Reuse. Recycle." :)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
A Great Book.
Be Green?
Finding these things on the internet and then finding a way to apply them in your home is not always easy. That's where I come in. I can come to your home and do an evaluation of your current resource usage and then show you ways that you can reduce consumption and/or increase efficiency.
Sound good? Sound easy? It is. Of course I will charge for my service, everyone has got to make a buck. I will not charge much, usually about $20 for a quick evaluation.
Want more info? Contact me at or call 585-310-blog (2564)