I am sure that most of you know, by now, that many of our current digital electronics do not turn off when we hit the power button. These devices go into standby mode which reduces power consumption but does not stop it completely. Also, cords used to charge cordless devices which have the adapter built into the cord are using power even when the device is not charging. Although those things do not use much power individually, their usage can add up when you have a lot of them in your home.
A simple solution is to use power strips that have their own on/off button. Plug your charging cords into one strip and turn off the strip when use take your computer, phone and MP3 player out for the day. Plug all the devices in your entertainment center into one strip and turn it off when everyone leaves for work and school. While you may only save a few watts of usage in a day, over the course of a year the savings can add up to a significant amount.
Power strips usually cost less than $10 and ones with surge protection may cost a little more. So, with the purchase of these few small extra devices and a small change in your routine, you can reduce your carbon footprint and your electricity bill!
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