I took a few days off, and I kinda took those days off from just about everything, including compost pail maintenance.
Often compost doesn't stink, but sometimes in the heat of summer, it can get just a bit "cooked" and draw flies. Those flies can be quite bothersome. Usually they are just fruit flies, but a few hundred fruit flies can be kinda disgusting. Putting fresh waste on top of your pail a couple times a day will often keep the flies down, but if you get a layer that is starting to rot, those flies are sure to start appearing.
There is a very easy "cure" though. Well, not a cure, but a very easy way to get rid of the flies. All you need is a jar or bottle, a piece of paper and some wine or juice. I did not invent this idea, but I can not recall where I first saw it.
Step 1 - Roll the paper into a cone shape with a very small hole on one end so its like a funnel. Tape it to make it hold shape.
Step 2 - Pour a little wine or juice into the bottom of the bottle or jar (clear glass or plastic works best). Only 1/2 to 1" of liquid is needed.
Step 3 - Drop the cone into the top of the bottle or jar so the big end is up and out and the small end does not dip into the liquid.
Step 4 - Set the contraption where the fruit flies are.
Step 2 - Pour a little wine or juice into the bottom of the bottle or jar (clear glass or plastic works best). Only 1/2 to 1" of liquid is needed.
Step 3 - Drop the cone into the top of the bottle or jar so the big end is up and out and the small end does not dip into the liquid.
Step 4 - Set the contraption where the fruit flies are.
They are smart enough to know there is something good and that jar and go get it, but not smart enough to find the little tiny hole in the funnel to get back out. Some will drown in the liquid, but others will fly around inside the there. All you gotta do is carefully take it outside remove the cone and they will all fly away. Then just replace thecone and set it back inside near the flies. Repeat until they are gone, usually does not take more than a day.
Thanks for reading,
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