Thursday, July 7, 2011

Welcome to our "ool"...

Notice there's no "P" in it, lets keep it that way. :) I have no idea where I first saw that sign, but it was long before I ever had a pool to worry about. Pool maintenance is a bigger deal than most people care to think about, so it has to be worth the effort for you to want a pool (or you have enough moolah to pay someone else to maintan your pool.)

This is essentially another post about water. Water is not an infinite resource. Contantly draining and refilling your pool not only costs you money, but it uses that finite resource somewhat needlessly. Large pools usually come equipped with filter systems and chemical additive instructions; smaller "kiddie pools" do not and worse yet, there are no instructions on the commercial pool chemicals for such a small volume of water.

It is still important to maintain it. You can save yourself the work of draining and refilling, maintain a healthier pool for the kids and be "green" at the same time. You can use common chemicals to keep your kiddie pool cleaner. Here is a link to a calculator so you can figure out how much stuff to add for how much water you have.

Having even a small pool in the yard is great for cooling off. If your pool is only big enough to get your feet into, that will still help. The human body has this awesom automatic feature of trying to maintain equal temperature for your whole body. That means the body wants your feet to be the same temperature as your chest. So even though the chest and the head have the "most important parts," your body will send some of the heat from there to your feet if they get cold. So, if you put your feet in cool water, it will cool you whole body a little bit. :)

Have a great summer!

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