Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lights out...

Make it a contest for the kids. See who can turn out the most lights before leaving the house. Only one kid? Make it a timed contest. Turning out the lights when they are not in use just makes good sense. Getting into the habit is not always easy though. When it is a timed contest, they will begin turning them all off so the time to get the last few will be better when it's time to leave.

A 60 watt bulb in a lamp uses 60 watts of electricity per hour. My utility company charges me about a dime per killowatt of electricity. That means that I would pay about $4.64 for that 60watt lamp if I left it on for a month. Calculations: 31 days X 24 hours X 60 watts = 44640 watts / 1000 (kw) X 0.1 (the dime) = $4.64. Now I know not many people would leave the lamp on for the whole month, but those figures are just to give youan idea of the costs.

Everything we plug into an outlet uses electricity and can be measured in watts. Lights are just one of the easiest things we can remember to turn off. Check out the things you are using, there is almost always a sticker somewhere on the device that will tell you how many watts it uses and that is always per hour. Try adding it up and see where else you can save!


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