Monday, August 22, 2011

There's A Green App for That...

The following is from

Are cell phones taking over our lives? Sometimes it seems like it. But you can wrangle back some control by keeping your phone use as green as possible. This week’s tips tell you how.

Tip #3: There's an app . . .

In addition to making your phone multitask, apps can help you live greener, whether you’re trying to save gas, commit to carpooling, garden more, or recycle anything. Apps can also help you find public transit, cancel paper subscriptions, even become an Eco Hero.

Tell us: What are your favorite green-living apps?


Friday, August 19, 2011

Interested in News about the Environment and Sustainability?

I have another blog which updates itself from numerous news feeds which only pull stories related to the Environment, Sustainability and the like.  Feel free to check it out if you get a few minutes.  EcoFeeder


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Mulch is good for more than just making a better looking garden. Mulch also helps save water. Spreading mulch around tree bases is a great way to keep the roots moistened for longer periods of time. It isn't just something they do to make the parks prettier, there is a purpos beyond that. In addition to helping retain moisture, mulch can also reduce weed growth. Some townships will even give you free mulch; it may not be top quality, but it will definitely do the job. See, this article from for more detailed information!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Not exactly "green," but cool...

Jonathons' Coffee Social Experiment... The guy posted his Starbucks card which you can copy to your smartphone and let the scanner at teh store see to purchase your coffee from this card (if there is an available balance. You can also add money to the card to keep the circle going... great idea, I hope it works...


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cut flowers are nice, but...

While the gift of cut flowers are very nice, they usually only last a short time. You can give a gift which is just as nice and lasts a whole lot longer. Potted flowers, while requiring some maintenance on the part of the recipient, will brighten their display location for months or more. Most people imaging a potted flower as a single type of blossom multiplied by the size of the plant, but you can put more than one type of plant in a pot to create a living bouquet. Not all plants will grow well together, but there are many which will flourish in the same small space. It also does not need to be flowering to add a bit of beauty, green plants can be more attactive than flowers in many cases.

The following links will show some ideas for green gifts: Bonsai Kit,, or Giving Plants - there are many more that you could easily find with a quick web search. Depending on teh season, you could also go to your local Garden Nursery and get a professional opinion on what might be best for your intended recipient!
