Wednesday, November 23, 2011

NY can lead the way!

THE DECs sGEIS report is seriously flawed. There will be accidents and incidents if HVHF is allowed to occur in NY. There have been issues in EVERY other state where High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing is being performed. That means that all risk factors accounted for in this report are null, the risk is too high. Would NY not be better served as the state that really started the green energy movement instead of bowing to financial and political pressure? NY is big enough and strong enough to push back against the federal pressure exerted due to energy company financial input. Instead of falling down like the other states have already done; we can see the messes that have occurred there; stand against them and be the leader we can be! If NY leads the way against big energy, other states will follow suit. Maybe we can get this country going in the right direction.

Please share this message and send it to the agencies who need to hear it!


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